Avoiding Back Pain Whilst on the Road!
Many drivers don’t realise that the back pain or a stiff neck may primarily be caused by bad driving habits. Although you might not always feel it while you’re on the road, It still causes pain! Most of us spend a good couple of hours a day in our cars. This could be commuting to […]
Slipped Disc? Rest Assured, It Hasn’t Slipped out of Place!
You may have heard the term ‘slipped disc’ but this is a rather inaccurate term, as discs cannot actually slip out of place. Discs are securely attached to the vertebrae. So, while it is possible for them to wear, split or herniate, they can’t slip! So, what exactly are discs? The spine is made of […]
How Tight are Your Hip Flexors?
Your hip flexors are an important muscle group. If they are tight, your spine can become more unstable. Painful misaligned pressure is then added to your lower back. This happens as your muscles try to realign your spine. Prolonged sitting is one of the biggest reasons for short hip flexors and they can tighten up […]
Top Tips to Avoid Back Pain at Christmas
As we approach the Christmas season, you might be more worried about piling on the pounds. We begin worrying about feeling like a Christmas Pudding on the big day than anything else. However you’d be surprised how many people hurt their back over the festive period! Did you know There is an increase in patients […]
Avoid Back Pain When Flying
Anyone who is a frequent flier will be quick to tell you that long-haul flights don’t do anything to help back aches and pains. They don’t have to be! Cramped leg room, uncomfortable seating and being confined to a small space. These are all the aspects of long-haul flights which people dread. Especially when you […]
Dangers of Back Pain at School
The new school year is well underway. Children are back in the classrooms, running around playgrounds and playing sports. However, children, like adults, can be prone to back pain, and there can be several causes. The most common causes of joint and back pain in school children are: Lack of exercise or excessive exercise Weight […]
Pelvic Dysfunction is Not Life Threatening – but Life Limiting!
Many patients who suffer from knee, shoulder or back pain for example can attribute these issues to a pelvic dysfunction. While pelvic dysfunction is not life threatening. It can be life limiting so find out how you can make small changes that may make a large difference. If you’re suffering from regular pain and think […]
Could Standing Work Desks Be the Answer To Unwanted Back Pain?
Did you know in a bid to prevent their workers suffering from back pain and to help increase their productivity in the office, a lot of work places are now opting for standing work areas, rather than the more conventional seated desks. But are these innovative standing work spaces really the way forward to a […]
Enjoy Christmas Without Backpain
This time of year may involve a fair bit of stress, trying to make everything ready for the Christmas holidays. Here are a few tips to consider before you do something silly to injure your back. The tips are also to help you enjoy this magical time. Top Tips to Avoid Back Pain When […]
BackCare Awareness Week
Gary and Orit from Vale Health Clinic are urging people to think about what they put their backs through during an average day, as research findings reveal that sleeping and sitting are two of the main culprits for triggering neck and back pain in the UK. More than three quarters (76%) of people surveyed in […]