
Vale Health Clinic

Is Slouching Making You Sad?

Slouching and poor posture can put you at risk from back and neck pain. A new study, published in the journal, Health Psychology, has found that slouching contributes to feelings of stress which, in turn, affect sleep and energy levels. It is important to mind your posture and stop yourself from slouching at home and at work.

Advice from the British Chiropractic Association:

  • When relaxing in front of the TV at home, the tendency is to ‘slouch’. An ideal sitting position is to let the seat take your weight and, if possible, keep as much of your body in contact with the chair so that your whole body is supported.
  • Don’t sit for more than 30-40 minutes at a time. Stand up to stretch, change position and walk around a little.
  • Drink Up! – Try drinking water instead of tea or coffee; it will be healthier and keep your body hydrated.
  • Look for small opportunities to exercise during the day; use the stairs instead of the lift or escalator, get off your bus/train/tube a stop earlier and walk or take a walk during your lunch break.
  • Using a computer at work or at home: Always take the time to adjust your seat, particularly if you share your desk with others. Your seat should be adjusted so that your feet are flat on the ground, your knees bent, but with a slope from your hips to your knees. Your hips should be higher than your knees and your eyes level with the top of the computer screen. You may need to put the screen on a stand or even on a ream of paper to bring it to the right height.
  • Relax when sitting into your chair. Ensuring you have your bottom against the seat back with your shoulder blades are touching the back rest of the chair.
  • Arms should be flat and your elbows level with the desk or table you are using. Use a seat with arm rests.
  • Remove any obstacles from under your desk to ensure you have enough leg room.
  • Take regular breaks. Never sit at the computer for more than 40 minutes; less if possible. When you take a break, walk around and stretch a little; do something completely different.
  • If using a laptop, a stand is a good idea (or use a ream of paper or similar). This ensures the screen is at eye level. Use a plug in keyboard and mouse whenever possible. This makes it much easier to use the laptop in a more ‘back friendly manner’.

For more Advice please contact our Chiropractic Clinic  on 01892 543029


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