Vale Health Clinic

Keeping Active Outdoors in Tunbridge Wells

Keeping Active Outdoors in Tunbridge Wells - Tunbridge Wells Chiropractic Clinic

Part of our focus at Tunbridge Wells Chiropractic is to support out patients with lifestyle education and general health support, which includes keeping active. With the wonderful weather we are currently experiencing why not keep active outdoors whilst exploring parts of Tunbridge Wells you may not have know about. Outdoor Gyms in Tunbridge Wells There […]

Staying Supple & Active Working From Home

Working From Home - Home Office Desk - Tunbridge Wells Chiropractic Clinic

Working from home has long been considered a dream scenario for many who are stuck in the monotony of a job that they need to pay their bills. It not only holds the potential for higher pay but also greater time freedom and control over your life. With the spread of the coronavirus pandemic over […]

Health Benefits of Physical Activity Across Age Groups

Health Benefits of Physical Activity Across Age Groups - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Physical activity is an important component of staying fit and healthy. Aside from improving one’s physical appearance, moving the body is also healthy for mental well being, as it reduces stress. But in this fast-paced, busy world, people have a hard time starting, much less maintaining, a regular habit of exercise. Statistics indicate that a […]

Don’t Let RSI Slow You Down

Don’t Let RSI Slow You Down - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) can affect any of your joints and muscles. RSI is often associated with upper limb disorders and is a potentially debilitating condition. Due to prolonged repetitive, forceful or awkward movements of the joints. Common causes include sports, computer work, manual jobs and heavy lifting etc. The result of RSI includes damage to […]

The Art of Mindfulness – How and Why?

The Art of Mindfulness – How and Why? - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Do you feel like you’re constantly multi-tasking? Constantly switched on and available to all via numerous modes of communication? Constantly planning for the future? Did you even notice the colour of the sky this morning? Whether you have an important work deadline to meet or a dentist appointment to book. We are all guilty of […]

The Peril of Flip Flops

The Peril of Flip Flops - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

When it’s warmer, it’s like that you ditch the shoes and boots in favour of lighter options. Flip flops are always a firm favourite, but are you aware of the damage that they can cause to your feet? Women especially are guilty of thinking that flip flops are a safer alternative to heels, but this […]

Fatigue – A Modern Epidemic?

Fatigue – A Modern Epidemic? - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Fatigue is one of two main ways your body warns you about a problem. The other warning is pain. Most of us pay attention to pain, and stop whatever is causing it. We don’t pay as much attention to fatigue. One reason might be that fatigue sneaks up on us. What Is Fatigue? Fatigue is […]

Learn To Breathe To Reduce Stress

Learn To Breathe To Reduce Stress - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Our modern ways of living mean that our every lifestyle puts us in an almost constant state of excitement, whether we have something to be genuinely thrilled about or not! This can cause emotional problems including irritability, anger, and depression along with physical symptoms like headaches and stomach aches. Luckily, simply learning to breathe using […]

Sleeping Habits Causing You Pain?

Sleeping Habits Causing You Pain? - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Your sleeping habits and the way you sleep could be causing you unnecessary aches and pains. We are told time after time that we should be sleeping flat on our backs, but many of us have already developed habitual sleeping patterns, which are hard to get out of. However, if you suffer from neck or […]

Winter Weather Walking

Winter Weather Walking - Vale Health Clinic in Tunbridge Wells

Cold, wintry weather is sweeping the UK. Icy roads and pavements mean potentially hazardous conditions underfoot and a rise in injuries caused by slips and falls. It is quite natural, therefore, for us to be wary when walking outdoors and adopting our ‘ice walk’; the problem is that an unnatural walking posture could cause as […]