Vale Health Clinic

The Foam Rolling Revolution!

Foam rolling as a health and fitness practice has exploded alongside the growing fitness industry. It is a technique that has long been used by professional athletes, coaches, and therapists. It is now recommended to people of all ages and fitness levels.

Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release. This means self-massage, used to release muscle tightness or trigger points. Trigger points are ‘knots’ in muscles that cause and refer pain when pressure is applied to them.

When rolling or working on tight/sore muscles you will experience discomfort or pain. Think of it like the pain you get while stretching. It should be uncomfortable, but not unbearable, and when you are done it should feel better.

Myofascial release is often performed by chiropractors, but self-care is important too and foam rolling can complement chiropractic therapies. Your chiropractor can recommend the best foam rolling techniques to suit your needs.

There are a number of benefits to foam rolling:

  • It can be a great warm up before exercise, as it helps to increase the blood flow to your muscles. Which means improving the delivery of oxygen during exercise
  • For this reason, foam rolling after exercise can also improve recovery
  • It is possible to focus on specific problem areas to relieve discomfort from tight muscles
  • It can help to increase your range of motion and flexibility by stretching and lengthening your muscles
  • The process can also stimulate the lymph system, helping your body to eliminate toxins

Overall, foam rolling can help to increase physical ability, reduce stiffness, prevent injury and help you to feel your best.


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