Can Shockwave Therapy Help With Musculoskeletal Problems

At our chiropractic and osteopathy clinic in Tunbridge Wells, we offer a variety of different services to help you maintain joint and spinal health. One of the newer approaches to treating tissue injuries is shockwave therapy. It has proved successful in helping many of our patients recover from injuries and, despite the name, is painless […]
Shockwave Therapy FAQs

Shockwave therapy is used for the treatment of chronic tendon inflammation in the knee, elbow, sole and heel of the foot, hip and shoulder. This includes: Achilles tendinopathy Greater trochanteric pain syndrome Proximal hamstring Calcific tendinopathy in the shoulder Patella tendinopathy Plantar fasciitis Golfers and tennis elbow Radial shockwave therapy involves a series of shock […]
Shockwave Therapy – Radial and Focus

What is Shockwave Therapy? Shockwave therapy is one of the more recent noninvasive treatments available to practitioners of orthopedic, rehabilitative and many other fields of medicine. Shockwave therapy directs high-energy acoustic waves toward injured or painful areas to elicit healing. This therapy causes beneficial micro-injuries in the affected area, stimulates blood flow and promotes tissue […]
Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis using Shockwave Therapy

Plantar fasciitis is a foot condition that can affect anyone. It is not life-threatening, but it can be extremely painful for those who have it. In the past, people who suffered with it would either have to go through surgery or deal with the pain. Today, there are more options available. One such option is […]