Pills Are Not Always Necessary
At the slightest hint of pain, some people reach for their preferred over the counter pain remedy. These pills can be purchased in most supermarkets and pharmacies and do not require a prescription. For more chronic pain conditions, pain relief often comes from highly addictive prescription main remedies that the patient can build up a […]
FAQs for Those New to Visiting the Chiropractor

For many, the chiropractor has become just another part of their general physical health routine. However, even with the popularity involved with chiropractors today, many have yet to visit one. What stops many people is the amount of questions they may have before there initial visit. If you have yet to embrace the need for […]
Soft-Tissue Osteopathy Techniques

Osteopathy is a health care procedure focusing on the mechanical and structural elements of the body. The musculo-skeletal system consists of muscles, bones and joints. Osteopathy involves approaches to ensure the wellness of this system. Osteopathic techniques aim to alleviate pain in the musculo-skeletal system and to ensure the whole body functions well. There are […]
Fed Up With Headaches? How Your Chiropractor Can Help

Headaches are often dismissed as a temporary inconvenience and for many of us, this is truly the case. We get a headache, pop a few painkillers and it disappears in a few hours. For others, however, headaches can be a chronic problem and have a huge impact on their lives. Of course, if you have […]
5 Things Your Tunbridge Wells Chiropractic Clinic Can Help Treat

Visiting a chiropractic and osteopathy clinic for the first time can certainly be an experience. Many people don’t realise the range of different conditions that our Tunbridge Wells clinic can provide support and treatment for. Often, we get patients coming to us who have tried every other approach before being recommended to a chiropractor. If […]
A Little Something about Skeletal Muscles

My aim in this article is to dig a little deeper into the relatively simple structure of our skeletal muscle. Although simple, it’s invaluable to human function and it’s role is further reaching than you may think. To start off with, skeletal muscle is only one of three types of muscle found within the body. […]
A Quick Guide to What Causes Shoulder Pain and How to Avoid It

One of the more common problems we see at our chiropractor clinic is shoulder pain. This part of the body is pretty complex with numerous components which enable us to perform a wide range of movements. Any damage or injury to the shoulder area can have a huge impact on comfort and mobility. Whether it’s […]
Chiropractor or Osteopath for a Trapped Nerve or Sciatica

A pinched nerve can affect any nerve in the body and occurs when the nerve has too much pressure placed on it by any of the surrounding tissues, which could include cartilage, bones, tendons, or muscles. The sciatic nerve is a very important nerve in the lower back that runs down either one or both […]
Osteopathy For Babies And Children

One of the most common beliefs is infants have enough flexibility to eliminate any musculoskeletal imbalances throughout their bodies. In many instances, this is simply not true. The only way to be certain is with a professional analysis of the infant or child’s birth history along with an examination and clinical observation. For nearly every […]
Chiropractor or Physiotherapist – Who Should I Use ?

Chiropractors and physical therapists are easy to confuse with one another. Both professions specialise in healing issues with the body that impedes movement or limit functionality. This can range from broken bones preventing people from walking or using their arms, to things that affect like Parkinson’s disease and fibromyalgia. While their goals are similar, the […]