Calcific Tendonitis
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Calcific Tendonitis Treatment with Shockwave Therapy in Tunbridge Wells
Calcific tendonitis is a build-up of calcium crystals in different tendons within the body. The most commonly affected tendons are those of the rotator cuff muscles, although it can affect other tendons. The rotator cuffs are four muscles attached to the scapula (shoulder blade) and humerus (upper arm bone) that help control and carry out shoulder movements. The calcium crystal deposits can be approximately 1-2 cm in size and can exert pressure on the tendon and also cause chemical irritation, leading to pain and discomfort.
It is not entirely known why calcific tendonitis occurs, however it is associated with degenerative changes within the joints and muscles of the shoulder. The symptoms may resolve in a few weeks for some people or after a few years for others.
Discomfort and pain in your tendons can be an unpleasant and long-lasting experience if the necessary treatment isn’t carried out. Thankfully, the team at Tunbridge Wells Chiropractic are experts in the treatment of conditions like calcific tendonitis.
If you find yourself getting nervous at the prospect of seeking medical advice and care, don’t worry. We understand that visiting a health professional can be a challenge for some people and so we have taken every step possible to make you feel at home.
Our clinic provides a relaxing and comfortable environment, and your first appointment will always begin with a simple chat about your symptoms and overall health. This discussion will allow us to build a picture of your condition, helping us identify potential causes.
You don’t need to bring anything with you, but if you’ve had any tests or X-rays in the past you may want to bring the results along. We also advise you to dress comfortably. Your initial appointment will also include a neurological and orthopaedic examination to help us find the best course of treatment.
The treatments available at our clinic for calcific tendonitis can include shockwave therapy, chiropractic care, physiotherapy and non-steroid anti-inflammatories. In rarer severe cases, arthroscopic shoulder surgery may be advised. After your first appointment, we can help you arrange a follow-up to get you started on your treatment.
What are the symptoms of calcific tendonitis?
- Painful shoulder (or other area if another tendon is affected) and may radiate into the arm
- Pain is often worse at night
- Reduced shoulder range of motion
- Some shoulder movements may feel weaker
- The symptoms may resolve in a few weeks for some people or a few years for others
How can calcific tendonitis be treated?
- There is good evidence for extra corporeal shock wave therapy to be an effective treatment for calcific tendonitis. Although the mechanism of action is unclear, it is thought the high energy sound waves break-up calcific deposits, allowing your body to remove the deposits.
- Non-steroid anti-inflammatories can help reduce any inflammation (e.g. ibuprofen)
- Chiropractic or physiotherapy can help with prescriptive exercises alongside manual therapy techniques to help ease the pain
- Arthroscopic shoulder surgery may be needed in severe cases
What We Treat
Clinic Address
Vale Health Clinic, 31-33 Vale Rd, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent ,TN1 1BS